When you think your YES is not good enough
Has God spoke a dream into your heart? Has He shared some future plans for you? Has He asked for your obedience, but you think you haven’t heard Him right – or you KNOW you have!?
Welcome to the club my friend! Join me for a cuppa as we have been here a while already!
You think your gifts or talent is not good enough even though you know it’s not about you. It’s about God working in the measure He has given you. We can have all the head knowledge but stepping out with a confident and trusting heart can be formidable.
We are in good company with Moses. This can make our YES a great big stutter. We have the right intentions but we say Y-Y-ESS Lord and we stall the rolling up of our sleeves pushing back with excuses that aren’t necessarily invalid.
Let me share some wisdom from my hubby!
For a while I was in charge of the display in our church foyer. A job I took very seriously. The foyer is the first thing people see when they walk in our doors and gives them their first impression of our church. Slowly I burned out of ideas, or those impressive enough as I saw it and I just wanted to hand it over to someone who was more creative!
My husband was not impressed with me. He wisely pointed out it was the same with my writing. Unless I knew I could write perfectly I wouldn’t even begin!
He told me that sometimes when it’s all about being accomplished and impressive, people will miss purpose. When it’s started and completed in God, even though flawed by us, people will be all over it because of God’s special touch on it.
In other words, I could do a masterpiece of a display, but unless God anoints it, it does not matter much. It is human striving and may lack essential godly design. I have found this to be so true in my writing. It’s the pieces of writing I worked on and edited to be so perfect sometimes people don’t necessarily get. It’s the words poured out in earnest and prayerfully from my life experience that read the reader themselves and that is great purpose.
If we wait until our YES is orderly, errorless from start to finish and is as good or better than everyone else’s we will miss the whole point of it. It’s US God desires and all the space in our hearts to answer Him every time He calls our name.
Our imperfect but sincerely given YES Lord! has the capacity to change the world.
It is good enough.