The hurdles your YES will invite
When we say YES to God, we say YES to other less desirables pursuits. But what I am finding the hardest to tackle are not necessarily the problems met along the way, but rather the resistance I find in my own sin, pride, fear and my love of the comfortable life. Add into the mix some issues with being decisive and well it requires me using up a lot of God’s grace – thank Jesus it’s abundant in supply!
Maybe you can relate? Problems can be prayed out, sorted out and solved. Matters of the heart and soul however, seem to be a long refining process that only God can tame and temper. We don’t like it much but it is vital work of the Spirit.
But if Rahab the prostitute had said NO because of her sin, then God’s plan would not have unfolded as it did. Her YES to hiding Joshua’s spies meant a glorious promise from God was given to her and her family and she got a mention in the Hebrew’s hall of faith.
If Noah had said NO to building the Ark because frankly He looked like a fool building a boat in the middle of a desert, then pride would have hijacked his destiny.
Sin will sabotage your YES, pride will mock your YES, fear will try and steal your YES and gratification will slowly and sneakily replace your YES. That’s before we encounter any external hurdles!
But remind yourself today, that Romans 8v11 proclaims that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead LIVES in you! Without that our YES would be a car crash! It would be human endeavour alone. But we have the power of Almighty God available to us today to deal with all the fleshly stumbling blocks. I fondly think of the verse in Psalm 18v29
‘In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.’
The devil should tremble when we as God’s children hold tight to this promise and watch how God can help us overcome a NO with a YES Lord WE can!
So be aware, be very aware, that the enemy is out to stop your YES before it's birthed in your heart and out of your mouth. Know also we alone are responsible to God to keep a right relationship with Him so He can sustain our YES.
It’s a partnership of our YES to Him and His YES and Amen to us!