When you say nothing at all.

Unlike Ronan Keating, I don’t think you say it best when you say nothing at all. I think good communication is the sticky stuff that holds all types of relationships together.

For instance, as I sit and write here in Starbucks my friend just sent me a message about meeting her in the morning for coffee. Is it best if I don’t reply and leave her hanging? No, for our friendship to work she needs a responsive YES from me. My YES confirms I want to meet her.

Likewise, whilst I know my husband loves me, it pleases my heart for him to tell me most days. Then just for fun some days I’ll ask him if he loves me.  I may already know the answer but his answer delights me even after many years.

We need to understand, if God asks us to do something for Him and we do nothing at all, we are in effect saying NO. Just as the convicted sinner refuses to give their life to Him, inaction is a rejection.

I think it’s similar thinking as when God speaks in Revelation 3v16 of being lukewarm. Neither hot, nor cold. God loves us and He is searching us for a whole-hearted YES! Not a deferred YES, not a MAYBE but a resounding “I may not know what that fully means Lord but my answer is YES.”



Your YES


The hurdles your YES will invite