God if you could (Day 5)

"Please God, if you could just..."

Okay, I admit it. These words are often my opening line in prayer. Followed by a recital of requests. A presentation of pleas. Some big. Some small. But each one important enough for me to think about. To worry about. To pray about.

Tomorrow's medical appointment. The pending interview. The difficult relationship. The distant dream. The sick friend. The unknown future.

Friend, it is not wrong to ask for these things. It is right and it is good. God is concerned with what concerns us. But there is a reason why Jesus didn't start there when He taught His disciples how to pray. Instead, He started with this:

"Our Father in Heaven.."

Yes, I get it. At times our needs can seem so great that it's hard to think, or pray, about anything else.

But today, let's learn from Jesus. And remember to address the Father first. To declare His name, before we detail our needs. To accept His position, before we acknowledge our problems. To recognise Who He is, before we request what we want.

Because when God is our starting position in prayer, our perspective shifts. Our worries fade in light of Him and our wants pale in comparison to Him. Our problems shrink behind Him and our faith grows because of Him.

Yes. When we start with God, we are reminded that although our needs may be many and our problems may be great; He is greater still.

What are you praying for today?

Be encouraged; your Father in Heaven is listening and He is able


How can God? (Day 4)


Psalm 23 (Day 1)