Psalm 23 (Day 1)

Reading: Psalm 23 v1&2

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want”

The first word I want to draw your focus to is MY. I am one of His sheep from His flock. I am one of His number and He is MY shepherd. He is the sovereign authority in my life. Because I am His and He is mine.

I rather another translation that says I lack nothing. Our society wants and keeps on wanting. Usually things we don’t really need. I love that this Psalm reminds me that God is my shepherd. He is my protector, provider, compass, frontrunner and He ensure my NEEDS are covered.

God provides for me daily and ensures my safety and comfort. He lends a listening ear, discipline and correction and I am never left in need.

My shepherd knows where I am. He watches over me and encourages me to remain in the fold. God knows His job is to protect me. He does not need reminded to do this, rather I need reminded to trust Him.

Sometimes that means God needs to Make me lie down. I am an over-thinker by nature; I can be distracted by circumstances and by life. I know there have been times that God has graciously stopped me in my tracks and said, ‘It’s rest time’.

God gives a safe place for me to rest, regather and spend time with Him so I can get through the next stage in my journey. He, the shepherd knows where He is leading and sometimes rest will be needed to get from here to there.

I don’t know if you are in want, if you have forgotten who provides for you, or if you are avoiding rest. Psalm 23 reminds me that God is good and faithful. He is guiding us. Whatever position you find yourself in, remember that God knows best. If He is taking you somewhere there must be a reason why.

Just like the sheep, it is best that you go as your shepherd is leading.


God if you could (Day 5)


Psalm 23 (Day 2)