Be still (Day 3)
I'm the kind of girl that often thinks if I'm not moving forward, I'm not making progress. So I roll my sleeves up and I put my head down. Tackle any challenge. Fight any fatigue. Push through any tiredness. And I work.
Last night, I fell into bed once again, exhausted after another day of work. And I'm not talking about my typical nine to five job. I'm talking about another kind of work.
I was weary from trying to work out my problems. Tired from trying to figure everything out. Fatigued from fighting with another stiff door. Drained from overanalysing another decision. I was striving to progress onto the next step. So I fell into bed and I felt weak.
But these two words found rest in my weary-from-working soul:
'Be still'
The word used for 'still' here is 'raphah' which means 'to be weak'. Imagine that; an encouragement for us to be weak. Because when we are weak, He is strong.
Sometimes I find myself fighting battles that are simply not mine to fight. What about you?
Find strength in this truth today; God invites us to let down our guard. To stop fighting. To cease striving. And to relax.
Stillness is not stagnation. It just means we are no longer the ones that are moving. You see, when we stop moving, we create space for God to move.
Sometimes He doesn't want us to produce anything, He simply wants us to pause. Sometimes He doesn't ask us to work, He asks us to watch Him work on our behalf. Sometimes He doesn't call us to go and do, He invites us to slow and know. Yes, slow down and know that He alone is God.
In what ways might God be asking you to be still today?