I can do all things (Day 1)
How many times have you heard the words of Philippians 4:13? Ah yes, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'. A verse we often quote, right?
And yet some days, these words are so easy to say, but so difficult to believe.
Yes, some days my faith wears thin and my strength runs out. People are difficult. Relationships are strained. Circumstances are draining. My patience is waning. And some days, I just don't feel like I can do anything at all.
But friend, there is something so sweet about this verse I want to share with you.
In Greek, this verse is better translated as 'I have strength for all things'.
Not to DO all things.
But FOR all things.
How such a small word can make such a big difference.
You see, some days His strength will certainly help you do things. Achieve things. Big things. Some days you will stand up against giants. You will face your adversities. You will walk through fire. You will climb up mountains. God can and God will give you strength to do such things.
But sometimes, His strength is not so that you might do something mighty, but that you might bear something difficult. Sometimes His strength will sustain you in the valley, not help you climb out of it. Sometimes His strength will help you wait in a season of want, when all you want to do is run away or run ahead. Sometimes His strength will help you stand in the midst of an obstacle, not instantly overcome it. Yes. Enough strength to survive. Enough stability to stand. Enough energy to endure.
Paul, the writer, knew what it was like to be on the mountaintop and in the valley. To be in plenty and in want. To be well-fed and be hungry. To be on the platform and in prison. And it is in this context that he penned these words; 'I have strength for all things.'
Friend, you have His strength today for all things. For all circumstances. For all seasons. For all days.
Maybe today, His strength will help you do something mighty. Or maybe, His strength will help you bear something difficult.
Take hold of this truth; God promises to give you His strength to conquer both.