Whatever I'm free to be (Day 2)
Reading: Galatians 5:22-23 ESV
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
In 1994, the world famous band Oasis, released a hit song called, yes you guessed it; ‘Whatever.’ The moody bad boy attitude with which the lead banged out the words still remains in my mind some 25 years later, as does the genius tune. The lyrics went like this:
‘I’m free to say whatever I like, If it’s wrong or right it’s alright
Free to be whatever I, Whatever I choose….’
A catchy lyric, a genius tune and at it’s popularity, I enjoyed the song myself. On the other hand, we know those lyrics are contrary to the freedom God has in mind for the expression of our thinking and choosing.
The pronoun whatever emphasises a lack of restriction in referring to something. As it says in our verse today, God is all about a lack of restriction when it comes to things that are solely for our good and not our harm. He gives you the green light of whatever.
Visualize a world with little restriction, coupled with my sinful nature and yours? Sadly, we don’t have to imagine too much.
Then again, can you perceive with God’s eyes, a world where you and I were producing the fruits of the Spirit without measure? Our homes, workplaces and communities transformed by the liberty we have in Christ.
Whatever for lasting change, enduring love and God’s ultimate glory.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the incorrect and indifferent undertones in your thought life.
I can’t bothered moments, no one else is making an effort moments, no one else turned up moments, who really cares if I do this right moments.
Today, meditate on the good fruit listed in today’s reading. Decide and then surrender to the Spirit and let Him form unlimited love, kindness and joy in you.