Psalm 23 (Day 4)

Reading: Psalm 23 v 4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

 The Shepherd always carried a rod which was used for discipline; it spoke of authority. It was an oak club so to speak used to protect the sheep from other deadly animals like bears or lions. The shepherd used it to keep the sheep safe.

 The staff however was used for protection. It was a long staff for walking with, but it also had a hook that allowed the shepherd to pull the little lambs back into the fold should they wander. (Now that’s a topic in itself)

Even in dark valleys we can be comforted by the fact that God brings with Him these signs of His sovereign authority and capability to lead us as His sheep. He will do whatever it takes to keep us in His fold and to protect us from prowling prey. His goodness is shown in our protection.

Dark valleys will always come, they cannot be avoided, but it is worth standing on the truth that as sure as dark valleys are in life, you can also be sure of God’s presence, goodness and faithfulness in the midst.

Lastly, we notice these sheep walk, they don’t run, or scatter or scamper. They walk with their shepherd at his pace, and in His time. We could learn a lot from these sheep. We need to learn to walk in Gods footsteps and ensure we keep to His pace and His timing. Never running ahead of Him to achieve our plans, but trusting in Gods.

So, walk peacefully with your God at your side. Trust the direction He takes you in even if it seems dark and hopeless. Because in Gods plans there is always purpose. Nothing is wasted. The dark valley you find yourself in may not be a valley of pain but purpose. It may not be a valley of fear but of faithfulness. It may not be a valley of death but of deliverance. You may find that it could your valley of blessing.


Psalm 23 (Day 3)


Psalm 23 v (Day 5)